Special Issue 2: Amoris Ignis Perpetuus

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Shopping Trip by Purrsia [Mirror] art by Ad-ad Wifey
Vade Retro Satana by Shinko Hisada (身固之妥) [Mirror]
The Archive by Kagamino Kage (鏡乃 影) [Mirror]
Intervention by Shouga Naiko (生姜ないこ) [Mirror]
The Heart Eater’s Children by Usagi Anami (兎あなみ) [Mirror] art by ah_chan
Ghost by Numaguchi Iku (沼口いく) [Mirror]
Ash by Murakami Kasumi (村上かすみ) [Mirror]
Where Is The Sun That Leads Me To Rome by Rei (レイ) [Mirror]
The Love Letter by Crystalwren [Mirror]
A Patchwork World by Tamari Erin (玉里えりん) [Mirror]
The Passion of Saints Tryphaena and Tryphosa by Shukyou (主教) [Mirror] art by Tongari
Masks and Stockings by Torino Koji [Mirror]
The Humbled Princess by Matsuoka Haruka (松岡春香) [Mirror]
Red Velvet, She Said by Ora [Mirror]
Fire by Tsukizubon Saruko (月図凡然る子) [Mirror]