Special Issue 1: A Maiden’s Confidence

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The Fate of the Queen by Nara Kagerou (奈良蜻蛉) [Mirror]
Silk by Kubaru Suki (少年好き配る) [Mirror]
Sundiver by Amazuki Kiyoe (天月清愛) [Mirror]
The Movement of Your Hands by Mitsui Matsuri (蜜井茉莉) [Mirror]
Gypsy Dance by Shinko Hisada (身固之妥) [Mirror]
Honey and Roses by Jasmine Rhodes [Mirror]
Buttercup by Koizumi Shinme (恋墨新芽) [Mirror]
Please Stay by Yoshiyo Hotaru (昌夜蛍) [Mirror] art by amei
Saving Grace by Ms. C. Mouse [Mirror]
Tiger’s Eye by Kyouya Shizuka (強谷 湖) [Mirror]
Lessons by Usagi Anami (兎あなみ) [Mirror]
Knight by Shukyou (主教) [Mirror] art by luckykitty
Our Lady of the Immaculate Heart by Tsukizubon Saruko (月図凡然る子) [Mirror]