Issue 91: Be Gay Do Crimes
Going Twice by
Togi Kayako (土宜草子)
art by KMO
story and art by Iron Eater
Friends in Low Places by
Shirozubon Saruko (城図凡然る子)
art by The Winter Cynic
Pest Control
story and art by RunnyCrusty
Halfway by
Shukyou (主教)
art by Tofu
Exit Strategy by
Quenchant by
Nori Kanfuyu (法 寒冬)
art by Tamago (卵)
Take What You Can
story and art by Juou no zan (女王のザン)
Blood and Steam by
suspicious handling
story and art by Shrimp King
Stonewall was a Riot by
Phun Saa (พรรษา) Passer Puellae
story and art by Julian Crowe
story and art by Sparrow