Issue 48: A.I.

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Programming by Hyakunichisou 13 (百日草 十三) [Mirror]
Midnight Interruption by Shiawasena Ryokō-sha [Mirror]
And All the King’s Men by Shukyou (主教) [Mirror] art by morgie
Through Uncharted Seas by Aosora Hikaru (青空ヒカル) [Mirror] art by Nebulosity Çiélon
Nostalgia Night by Phun Saa (พรรษา)
Amphistere by Koiwa Shishiko (小岩 獅神) [Mirror]
Multi-Touch by Domashita Romero (地下ロメロ) [Mirror]
Identifier, Bolt-hand by docktonroad [Mirror]
Tiştên Negotî (Words Not Needed) by Natsumachi (馬遅夏海) [Mirror] art by Beili
Satu Finds Himself by qui-te [Mirror]
$LoveStory by Himawari (ヒマワリ) [Mirror] art by aspectabund
Skin Deep story and art by Iron Eater