Issue 48: A.I.
Programming by
Hyakunichisou 13 (百日草 十三)
Midnight Interruption by
Shiawasena Ryokō-sha
And All the King’s Men by
Shukyou (主教)
art by morgie
Through Uncharted Seas by
Aosora Hikaru (青空ヒカル)
art by Nebulosity Çiélon
Nostalgia Night by
Phun Saa (พรรษา)
Amphistere by
Koiwa Shishiko (小岩 獅神)
Multi-Touch by
Domashita Romero (地下ロメロ)
Identifier, Bolt-hand by
Tiştên Negotî (Words Not Needed) by
Natsumachi (馬遅夏海)
art by Beili
Satu Finds Himself by
$LoveStory by
Himawari (ヒマワリ)
art by aspectabund
Skin Deep
story and art by Iron Eater